Split Rock Township

First traffic report for East Maple

Traffic reports for Pine Lake Dr


In the event of a street light outage, you are asked to contact

Tom Neville

from Sioux Valley Energy at


with an address of the occurrence.

Split Rock Fire Dept Notices
Split Rock Fire Department has an ISO Rating of 6.
Check your Homeowner’s Insurance company for possible discounts.
If you have questions or are planning a controlled burn, please call 605-367-7000 to coordinate your burn.
  • Your Supervisors
  • MARVIN MANIFOLD: 605-351-0261
  • RICH STEFFEN 605-366-7999
  • TODD EGGE 605-351-9546
If you would like to receive updates from Split Rock Township when there is news or information that may affect you, please join our email notification list. To sign up, click the “Contact Us” button at the top of our webpage, and type in “Email List” in the “Message” box. If you live in a development, please indicate the name of that also.
Regular Township Meetings are held at 7:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month
(click “Meeting Schedule” at top of page for special meeting times)
A permit and fee must be obtained and paid when any vehicle exceeding 6 tons per axle travels on any paved roads in the following developments: Split Rock Heights, Pine Lake Hills, Iverson Crossing, Hidden Valley, O”Hanlons Asphalt and Mystic Meadows . $75 first load/$35 additional loads. The permit fees go directly into that development’s account to offset the costs for maintaining the asphalt roads. Please make sure you or your contractors comply. Permit forms and directions may be found on the township’s website tab under: Permits & Links.
Please return the form via. splitrocktownship.permits@gmail.com

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